Cannabis Cos. SNDL and Valens unveil $106M merger deal [Law360: Mergers & Acquisitions]

By Collin Krabbe (August 23, 2022, 9:31 PM EDT) — Two publicly traded cannabis companies in Canada say they are combining to create one vertically integrated platform.

SNDL Inc. of Calgary announced its merger with the Valens Company Inc. of Kelowna, British Columbia, on Monday. Under the terms of the deal, SNDL said, it will acquire all issued and outstanding common shares of Valens not owned by SNDL and subsidiaries.

Valens’ shareholders will receive 0.3334 of a common share of SNDL for each Valens share, the deal announcement says. Based on Friday’s close of SNDL shares on the Nasdaq, the company’s deal announcement says “the consideration represents an implied value of…

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