Euromoney Tells Shareholders To Accept £1.6B Offer [buyout/ takeover]

By Najiyya Budaly (September 2, 2022, 1:26 PM BST) — Financial publisher Euromoney said Friday that it “unanimously recommends” that its shareholders vote in favor of a £1.6 billion ($1.8 billion) takeover bid from a private equity consortium.

The board of Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC told its shareholders to accept the cash offer from Astorg Asset Management Sarl and Epiris LLP that values the company at £14.61 per share. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP is advising Euromoney, a constituent of London’s FTSE 250 index, on the bid.

The directors said that after taking advice from Goldman Sachs International and UBS they “consider the terms of the acquisition to be fair and reasonable….

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Author: unknown