FTC Challenge to Meta VR Deal Could Restrict Tech M&A [Law360: Mergers & Acquisitions]

By Steve Albertson, Elizabeth Suarez and Kaylynn Noethlich (September 6, 2022, 3:46 PM EDT) — Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan has consistently criticized past FTC leadership for being too lenient with Big Tech M&A activity, and for not bringing the hard cases that push antitrust law to its limits.

Khan and others in the progressive antitrust movement have often cited then-Facebook Inc.’s 2012 acquisition of Instagram Inc. as a prime example of the FTC’s failure to act to protect nascent competition, thus allowing an allegedly already dominant player to extend and fortify its position to the detriment of the competitive process. Now, 10 years later, Khan has seized an opportunity to put her ideas to the…

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Author: unknown